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Agents of Change

Unabridged   8.5 hour(s)
Publication date: 06/24/2025

F O R T H C O M I N G ! Available June

Agents of Change

The Women Who Transformed the CIA

Available from major retailers
Digital Download ISBN:9781696618908


The timely and revelatory exploration of the pioneering women who changed the insulated world of international espionage—from the barrier-crashing challenges of the 1960s to the present day reckoning—told through the eyes of a former intelligence operative herself.

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Product Description

Years after her successful and impactful career at the CIA, Christina Hillsberg became enthralled with the stories of the trailblazing women who forged new paths within the Agency long before she began her career there in the aughts. These were women who sacrificed their personal lives, risked their safety, defied expectations, and boldly navigated the male-dominated spy organization.

Through exclusive interviews with current and former female CIA officers, many of whom have never spoken publicly, Agents of Change tells an enthralling and, at times, disturbing story set against the backdrop of the evolving women's movement. It was the 1960s, a "secretarial" era, when women first gained a foothold and pushed against the one-dimensional, pop-culture trope of the sexy Cold War Bond Girl. Underestimated but undaunted, they fought their way, decade-by-decade, through adversity to the top of the spy game.

Seamlessly weaving together the individual stories of these exceptional women, Hillsberg deftly tackles not just the fight for gender equality at the CIA, but the current dilemma the Agency faces when dealing with the culmination of a decades-long culture of sexual harassment and assault.

Author Bio

Christina Hillsberg is a former CIA intelligence officer, writer, and recognized expert on women in espionage and intelligence tradecraft. She is also the author of License to Parent: How My Career as a Spy Helped Me Raise Resourceful, Self-Sufficient Kids.