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The Canon

Nonfiction: Science
Unabridged   13.25 hour(s)
Publication date: 05/01/2007

The Canon

A Whirligig Tour of the Beautiful Basics of Science

Available from major retailers or BUY FROM AMAZON
Audio CD ISBN:9781598870893
Digital Download ISBN:9781598874969


Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Natalie Angier takes a joyride through the major scientific disciplines—physics, chemistry, biology, geology, and astronomy. Her approach is smart, funny, and sure to inspire a new appreciation of science.

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Product Description

Buckle up for a joy ride through physics, chemistry, biology, geology, and astronomy. Drawing on conversations with hundreds of the world's top scientists and her own work as an award-winning science writer, Natalie Angier does the impossible: She makes science fascinating and seriously fun, even for those of us who, in Angier's words, "still can't tell the difference between a proton, a photon, and a moron."

Most of the profound questions we will explore in our lives—evolution, global warming, stem cells—have to do with science. So do a lot of everyday things, like our ice cream melting and our coffee getting cold and our vacuum cleaner running (or not). What does our liver do when we eat a caramel? How does the horse demonstrate evolution at work? Are we really made of stardust? (Yes, we are.)

In The Canon, Lewis Thomas meets Lewis Carroll in a book destined to become a modern classic—because it quenches our curiosity, sparks our interest in the world around us, reignites our childhood delight in discovering how things work, and instantly makes us smarter.


“Angier has that rare dual talent: a true passion for science combined with a poets linguistic flair.”

“If all high school teachers thought like Angier, a science reporter for The New York Times, and wrote science textbooks the way she wrote this collection of essays, we would all want to grow up to be scientists.”

Author Bio

NATALIE ANGIER has won a Pulitzer Prize for her writing on biology for The New York Times. Her work Woman: An Intimate Biography was a National Book Award finalist. She lives with her family in Takoma Park, Maryland.

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