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Elizabeth and Monty

Nonfiction: Biography
Unabridged   12 hour(s)
Publication date: 05/25/2021

Elizabeth and Monty

The Untold Story of Their Intimate Friendship

Available from major retailers or BUY FROM AMAZON
Digital Download ISBN:9781696603645


Violet-eyed siren Elizabeth Taylor and classically handsome Montgomery Clift were the most gorgeous screen couple of their time. Over two decades of friendship they made, separately and together, some of the era's defining movies. Yet the relationship between these two figures has never truly been explored until now.

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Product Description

When Elizabeth Taylor was cast opposite Montgomery Clift in A Place in the Sun, he was already a movie idol, with a natural sensitivity that set him apart. At seventeen, Elizabeth was known for her ravishing beauty rather than her talent. Directors treated her like a glamorous prop. But Monty took her seriously, inspiring and encouraging her. In her words, "That's when I began to act."

To Monty, she was "Bessie Mae," a name he coined for her earthy, private side. The press clamored for a wedding, convinced this was more than friendship. The truth was even more complex. Monty was drawn to women but sexually attracted to men—a fact that, if made public, would destroy his career. But he found acceptance with Elizabeth. Her devotion was never clearer than after his devastating car crash near her Hollywood home when she crawled into the wreckage and saved him from choking.

Monty's accident shattered his face and left him in constant pain. As he sank into alcoholism, Elizabeth used her power to keep him working. In turn, through scandals and multiple marriages, he was her constant. Their relationship endured until his death in 1966. Far more than the story of two icons, this is a unique and extraordinary love story that shines new light on both stars, revealing their triumphs, demons—and the loyalty that united them to the end.


“Casillo explores the myriad facets of Monroe’s personality with a respectful but incisive eye . . . an intricately nuanced portrait of this misunderstood idol...A worthy addition to the Monroe canon.” —Booklist

“A well-written examination of the mystique of a woman who still fascinates decades after her untimely death.” ―Publishers Weekly

“A deep dive into the model and screen legend’s glamorous but troubled life . . . [Casillo] pays particularly sympathetic attention to her emotional journey . . . a compelling exploration of a beguiling film icon’s life.” ―Kirkus Reviews

“Extraordinary. . . . Castillo's sympathetic and psychologically nuanced Marilyn Monroe bio is compulsively readable and well researched.” ―Shelf Awareness

Author Bio

Charles Casillo is the author of the biographies Marilyn Monroe: The Private Life of a Public Icon and Outlaw: The Lives and Careers of John Rechy, the novels The Fame Game and The Marilyn Diaries, and the short story collection Boys, Lost & Found. He divides his time between New York and Los Angeles.