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Free to Move

Nonfiction: Politics & Current Events
Unabridged   8 hour(s)
Publication date: 06/23/2020

Free to Move

Foot Voting, Migration, and Political Freedom

Available from major retailers or BUY FROM AMAZON
Digital Download ISBN:9781696601542


In Free to Move, Ilya Somin explains how broadening opportunities for foot voting can greatly enhance political liberty for millions of people around the world.

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Product Description

Ballot box voting is often considered the essence of political freedom. But it has two major shortcomings: individual voters have little chance of making a difference, and they also face strong incentives to remain ignorant about the issues at stake. "Voting with your feet," however, avoids both of these pitfalls and offers a wider range of choices. In Free to Move, Ilya Somin explains how broadening opportunities for foot voting can greatly enhance political liberty for millions of people around the world.

People can vote with their feet through international migration, by choosing where to live within a federal system, and by making decisions in the private sector. These three types of foot voting are rarely considered together, but Somin explains how they have important common virtues and can be mutually reinforcing. He contends that all forms of foot voting should be expanded and shows how both domestic constitutions and international law can be structured to increase opportunities for foot voting while mitigating possible downsides.

Author Bio

Ilya Somin is professor of law at George Mason University, author of Democracy and Political Ignorance and The Grasping Hand, and a regular contributor to the Volokh Conspiracy law and politics blog, hosted by Reason. His writings have appeared in the Washington Post, New York Times, the Atlantic, and elsewhere.