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Locked Down, Locked Out

Nonfiction: Politics
Unabridged   6.5 hour(s)
Publication date: 04/22/2025

F O R T H C O M I N G ! Available April

Locked Down, Locked Out

Why Prison Doesn't Work and How We Can Do Better

Available from major retailers
Digital Download ISBN:9781696618717


An analysis of the US prison system through real-life stories, and a look at the complex work of community-based social justice projects.

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Product Description

An analysis of the US prison system through real-life stories, and a look at the complex work of community-based social justice projects.

Through the stories of prisoners and their families, including her own family's experiences, Maya Schenwar shows how the institution that locks up 2.3 million Americans and decimates poor communities of color is shredding the ties that, if nurtured, could foster real collective safety. As she vividly depicts here, incarceration takes away the very things that might enable people to build better lives. But looking toward a future beyond imprisonment, Schenwar profiles community-based initiatives that successfully deal with problems—both individual harm and larger social wrongs—through connection rather than isolation, moving toward a safer, freer future for all of us.

"Maya Schenwar's stories about prisoners, their families (including her own), and the thoroughly broken punishment system are rescued from any pessimism such narratives might inspire by the author's brilliant juxtaposition of abolitionist imaginaries and radical political practices." —Angela Y. Davis, author of Are Prisons Obsolete?

Author Bio

Maya Schenwar is the editor-in-chief of Truthout. She is coauthor (with Victoria Law) of Prison by Any Other Name as well as the author of Locked Down, Locked Out and coeditor of the anthology Who Do You Serve, Who Do You Protect? She lives in Chicago.