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Maybe This Christmas

Fiction: Romance
Unabridged   9 hour(s)
Publication date: 06/24/2025

F O R T H C O M I N G ! Available June

Maybe This Christmas

Available from major retailers
Digital Download ISBN:9781696618410


Two heartwarming Christmas stories from beloved New York Times bestselling author Janet Dailey.

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Product Description

Two heartwarming Christmas stories from beloved New York Times bestselling author Janet Dailey

Darling Jenny

Some Christmas vacation! An unexpected blizzard just stranded Jennifer Glenn in the heart of the mountains, and her boots aren't made for walking. But the Jeep's buried in a snowdrift and a lonely log cabin is the only shelter for miles around. Just her luck: there's only one bed. She's not about to share it with Logan Taylor, even though the handsome rancher swept her up in his arms and carried her over the threshold. He can just take the chair by the fire like a gentleman—if he is a gentleman—and he can just stop calling her darlin'. Or she'll never fall asleep!

Strange Bedfellow

Happy holidays were only a memory for Dina Chandler in the years after her husband's plane disappeared over the jungle. But the Christmas to come will be a celebration like no other . . . now that Blake has returned. His long ordeal has changed everything—except his passionate love for the woman who was once his wife. Winning her back will be the greatest challenge—and the greatest gift—of all.

Author Bio

After publishing her first novel in 1976, Janet Dailey went on to become one of the top-selling female authors in the world, with more than 325 million copies of her books sold in nineteen languages in ninety-eight countries. She passed away in 2013.