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Nonfiction: Politics
Unabridged   20 hour(s)
Publication date: 04/15/2025

F O R T H C O M I N G ! Available April


New York's Long War to Take Back Its Streets from the Car

Available from major retailers
Digital Download ISBN:9781696619011


A gripping account of how the automobile has failed NYC and how mass transit and a revitalized streetscape are vital to its post-pandemic recovery.

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Product Description

A well respected urban writer who has focused on New York's transportation system for more than a decade, author Nicole Gelinas resumes the story where Robert Caro's landmark The Power Broker ended. Movement: New York's Long War to Take Back Its Streets from the Car explores how, in the half-century leading up to the COVID-19 pandemic, New York's re-embracement of its mass-transit system and a livable streetscape helped save the city. Gelinas tackles the 1970s environmental movement, the 1980s rebuilding of the subways, and more contemporary battles, from Mayor Bloomberg's push for more pedestrian plazas and bike lanes in the early 2000s, to transportation advocates' protests to prevent traffic deaths in the Mayor de Blasio era of the 2010s, to how New York's stewardship of its streets and subways have played a critical role during the 2020 pandemic and subsequent recovery.

Introducing a cast of transportation heroes to rival Jane Jacobs (Shirley Hayes, Hazel Henderson, Richard Ravitch, Nilka Martell) and puncturing the myth of Moses as New York's anti-hero, Movement explores how New York City has helped redefine what it means to be a global city: not a place that is easy to drive through, but a place where people can take transit, walk, and bike to work, to school, or just for fun.

Author Bio

Nicole Gelinas is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, a contributing editor to the Manhattan Institute's City Journal, and a regular columnist for the New York Post. She is the author of the 2009 book on the global financial crisis, After the Fall: Saving Capitalism from Wall Street—and Washington.