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The Comey Gang

Unabridged Publication date: 10/08/2019

The Comey Gang

An Insider's Look at an FBI in Crisis

Available from major retailers or BUY FROM AMAZON
Audio CD ISBN:9781684576050
Digital Download ISBN:9781684576043


An FBI insider explains how a group of high-level bureaucrats attempted to alter history and unseat a sitting president.

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Product Description

An FBI insider explains how a group of high-level bureaucrats attempted to alter history and unseat a sitting president.

The FBI is suffering its worst crisis ever. The integrity and reputation built over a century is in jeopardy. In 2016, the FBI Director—along with several other senior executives from the Bureau and Justice Department—attempted to falsify one of the most significant presidential elections in American history. Retired FBI agent John Ligato takes you behind the scenes into the bowels of the Bureau's culture and explains how it happened—and how to fix it.

Author Bio

After serving as a Marine in the Vietnam War, John Ligato earned bachelor's and master's degrees. He later joined the Federal Bureau of Investigation and worked eight years in deep cover and five years as a pilot flying special operations missions.