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The Painful Truth about Hunger in America

Nonfiction: Politics
Unabridged   12 hour(s)
Publication date: 04/22/2025

F O R T H C O M I N G ! Available April

The Painful Truth about Hunger in America

Why We Must Unlearn Everything We Think We Know--and Start Again

Available from major retailers
Digital Download ISBN:9781696618632


A radical and urgent new approach to how we can solve the problems of hunger and poverty in the US.

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Product Description

Most people think hunger has to do with food: researchers, policymakers, and advocates focus on promoting government-funded nutrition assistance; well-meaning organizations try to get expired or wasted food to marginalized communities; and philanthropists donate their money to the cause and congratulate themselves for doing so. But few people ask about the structural issues undergirding hunger, such as, Who benefits from keeping people in such a state of precarity? In The Painful Truth about Hunger in America, Mariana Chilton shows that the solution to food insecurity lies far beyond food and must incorporate personal, political, and spiritual approaches if we are serious about fixing the crisis.

Drawing on twenty-five years of research, programming, and advocacy efforts, Chilton compellingly demonstrates that food insecurity is created and maintained by people in power. Taking the listener back to the original wounds in the United States caused by its history of colonization, genocide, and enslavement, she forces us to reckon with hard questions about why people in the US allow hunger to persist. The Painful Truth about Hunger in America reinvigorates our commitment to uprooting the causes of poverty and discrimination, and points to a more generative and humane world where everyone can be nourished.

Author Bio

Mariana Chilton is professor of health management and policy at Dornsife School of Public Health at Drexel University. Chilton is the founder of Drexel's Center for Hunger-Free Communities. She has testified on solutions to hunger before the US Senate and US House of Representatives.