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Self-Help • Relationship

Let these audiobooks be that little voice in your ear telling you the right thing to do. Get advice on health, happiness, relationships, and a wide range of other 'how-to's.

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From Scratch

by David Moscow and Jon Moscow; read by David Moscow

David Moscow, the creator and star of the groundbreaking series From Scratch, takes us on an exploration of our planet's complex and interconnected food supply, showing us where our food comes from and why it matters in his new book of global culinary adventures. Learn More
Future Wealth

Stan Davis and Christopher Meyer; read by Alan Sklar

Optimistic and provocative, Future Wealth looks forward to a society rich in the human, financial, and real aspects of wealth. Learn More
Generation Why Not?

by Ruth Klein; read by Erin deWard

Join the ranks of Generation Why Not?®—a generation driven by attitude rather than age—to reach your dreams and goals in business and life. Learn More
Gentle Discipline

by Sarah Ockwell-Smith; read by Mary Sarah

Gentle Discipline is a practical guide that presents an alternative to shouting, shaming, and blaming—to give kids the skills they need to grow and thrive. Learn More
Gently Down This Dream

by Hugh Prather and Gayle Prather; read by Fred Sanders

A beautiful final note from the pioneering author of the classic Notes to Myself. Learn More
Get Lost

by Erin Leider-Pariser; read by Erin Leider-Pariser

Grounded in Erin Leider-Pariser's extraordinary career leading women's adventure travel across seven continents, this guide to living life to the fullest shares real-life experiences of personal transformation powered by exploring the wilds of nature and the soul. Learn More
Ghosted and Breadcrumbed

by Dr. Marni Feuerman; read by Devon Sorvari

The lure of the unavailable man is a mystery to many. Why is she wasting her time? But, for many others, it is a deep-seated pattern. With empathy and compassion, Dr. Marni Feuerman helps women see their situations clearly, understand the historical, emotional, and psychological reasons behind their actions, and, most importantly, make better choices for themselves. Learn More
Girl, Stop Passing Out in Your Makeup

by Zara Barrie; read by Zara Barrie

Finally, a self-help book for the millennial party girl who hates bullshit advice from "experts" who know nothing about the trauma of drinking and sex, the acute pressure of keeping up with the rest of the Adderall poppin' world, and the insecurity that comes along with feeling like you have to be thin and gorgeous and sparkly in order to be seen.

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God and the Big Bang, (2nd Edition)

by Daniel C. Matt; read by Barry Abrams

To discover the presence of God throughout the cosmos and in our everyday lives, Daniel C. Matt draws on both science and theology, both fact and belief, and both cosmology and Jewish mysticism, taking us on a deeply personal, thoughtful, and inspiring journey. Learn More
Good to Go

by Christie Aschwanden; read by Allyson Ryan

An eye-opening, myth-busting exploration of how the human body can best recover and adapt to sports and fitness training. Learn More
Grad to Grown-Up

by Gene Rice and Courtney Bejgrowicz; read by George Newbern

Everything you didn't learn in school but all you need to know to launch your personal and professional life. Learn More
Great Leaders Grow

Ken Blanchard and Mark Miller; read by Chris Patton

The Secret introduced people around the world to a profound yet seemingly contradictory concept: to lead is to serve. With that as the foundation, Great Leaders Grow takes the next step, showing leaders and aspiring leaders how to keep growing their leadership abilities throughout their lives. Learn More
The Greatness Guide

by Robin Sharma; read by Adam Verner

The Greatness Guide will help you discover the personal practices of truly successful people, learn powerful tools for achieving work-life balance, and get to your highest potential, fast. Learn More
The Greatness Guide Book 2

by Robin Sharma; read by Adam Verner

Tired of playing small with your life? Feel like you were meant to be so much more? Ready to become spectacularly successful, breathtakingly effective and wildly fulfilled as you work and live at a level called extraordinary? Learn More
Grief Day by Day

by Alan D. Wolfelt, PhD; read by Adam Verner

When we are grieving the death of someone loved, we may struggle with making it through each day. How are we supposed to cope with our gut-wrenching grief and live our daily lives at the same time? What should we do with our chaotic, painful, and intrusive thoughts and feelings? How do we survive? And is it possible to both grieve and live with meaning and hope? Learn More

Tal Ben-Shahar; read by Jeff Woodman

An extensively researched, practical guide to becoming happy, based on the #1 most popular course in the history of Harvard University. Learn More
Happier, No Matter What

by Tal Ben-Shahar; read by Adam Verner

A New York Times bestselling author's timely guide to happiness in adversity. Learn More

by Daniel Nettle; read by Matthew Waterson

Bringing together the latest insights from psychiatry, psychology, and philosophy, Daniel Nettle sheds light on happiness, the most basic of human desires. Nettle examines whether people are basically happy or unhappy, whether success can make us happy, what sort of remedies to unhappiness work, why some people are happier than others, and much more. Learn More
The Happiness Formula

by Alphonsus Obayuwana, MD, PhD, CPC; read by Mirron Willis

A scientific, groundbreaking approach to happiness and personal fulfillment. Learn More
Happy Together

by Sharon S. Rostosky, PhD, and Ellen D. B. Riggle, PhD; read by Lisa S. Ware

Filled with positive, life-affirming stories and coping strategies, this resource will help same-sex couples deal effectively with the daily challenges and stresses of homophobia within their family, workplace, and community. Learn More
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